Wierd things meme
1. Go write weird facts/things/etc. about yourself in my comment box and on your blog, then tag six more people!
2. Then leave a comment that says 'You are tagged' in their comments telling them to read your blog.
My weird facts:
- I don't dream. Well actually, I guess I do, as I'm not certified insane, but I don't remember ANY of my dreams. Ever. And I never have done. So no dodgy self psycho-analysis for me:-)
- I can not draw. At all. They say a good test of your natural artistic ability is to draw a freehand circle then compare it to a true circle. the closer you are to the true lines, the more artistic you are. when I draw a circle the ends don't even meet:-(
- I have a tattoo of a unicorn on my shoulder. Its a unique picture, but as I can't draw at all, it is actually a combination of a number of other pictures.
- I was the first member of my family to get a job, to get a tattoo, to graduate from uni, to buy a house, to get married & to have children. Yet I am considered the conforming one!
- Despite the fact that my whole career up to now has been in the sports industry, I have absolutely no interest in competitive sport, and never have done.
Is five enough? Are they wierd facts? Comments welcome.
As always, I won't tag anyone specific, but you are all more than welcome to do it. leave me a comment & I'll link you here.
Other wierd meme's that I know about:
Mean Mom . . . craziequeenIvoryfrog . . . Mary P
PS if you haven't seen them yet, Aggie has posted some photo's off our Easter in the 14th century here. Go and take a look.
PPS if you haven't clicked over to my tenant, Cheeks & Paste & digby, yet, go have a look see. They really are LOL funny.
At Wednesday, April 19, 2006 11:01:00 am,
Juggling Mother said…
I loved my job - even when I was working with elite athletes, because it wasthe teaching/managing that i found so satisfying. the winning really was completely irrelevent.
most of my career has been at participation level, and that is fantastic. helping people live healthy, happy lives & learn & do fun things. who wouldn't get a kick out of that?
At Friday, April 21, 2006 2:50:00 pm,
Bill said…
Its not so weird to not remember your dreams. I used to remember all my dreams until I began treatment for Sleep Apnea, now I remember none of them. I think it has something to do with the depth of sleep you reach.
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