The musings of a juggling mother

Rants & raves about life as a woman today, juggling work, home, kids, family, life the universe & everything.

© Mrs Aginoth. The right of Mrs Aginoth to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents act 1988

Sunday, December 25, 2005

After the 1st Day of Christmas

So that's it, pretty much all over bar the blogging:-)

The kids didn't wake up too early. They opened their Santa presents politely, and paused to actiually examine each one before ripping the next one open. They were both delighted with their Phlat Balls, which they'd asked for, and just as pleased with the "useful" presents I'd sneaked in there:-) A proper breakfast was eaten before the chocolate explosion began, so behaviour & energy levels remained good.

We only bought them one present each, which were opened after breakfast. Mstr A had a scalectrix, which he & LMB (and Aggie) played with happily all morning. LMB had a rocking horse & LMD a play table type thing. They were all happily kept occupied with them in the back room all morning while we sorted the food. Nanny A & Family arrived just before lunch & she supervised the present opening while the table was set & food served.

Dinner was cooked to perfction, on time, with minimal stress. How did that happen? The kids didn't eat much - but all the adults were stuffed silly, with plenty to spare. How it should be:-). Then came an afternoon of trying out new toys, playing Trivial Persuit & jumping every time LMB's new baby doll "cried". It sounds exactly like LMD!

The family went home in the early evening, giving time for bath & bed for the girls, & Dr Who for the rest of us.

It's now 8.30pm, and everything is cleared away - left overs are made into a chasseur & frozen, or sandwiches ready for tomorrow, washing up is finished, clothes are washed & drying ready to be packed, and all children are fast asleep. Time to sit down with a glass of baileys, relax & blog.

We're off to London tomorrow morning to do it all over again with my family.


Dinner was cooked to perfction, on time, with minimal stress. How did that happen?


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