Bank Holiday Bliss
Sorry for the break in posting, I do intend to scrawl something everyday, but it's been a long bank holiday weekend, and yesterday kind of got missed out.
Spent yesterday off sight-seeing in South Wales. We went off en masse to see Goodrich Castle, which was hosting a re-enactment group we'd vaguely thought about joining (we re-enact mediaeval life, but are between groups having taken a year off due to LM Dark & having "creative differences" with our previous groups leaders). It was a bit of a disaster as Mr & Mstr A were both suffering from sleep deprivation & too much time together - an explosive mix! Arguaments, screams, tantrums & threats abounded on both sides. The group were not what we were looking for, and there was no food to be bought - which added to strppiness of Mr & Mstr A, and started affecting us girlies too. we gave up at 1pm & headed home.
Fortunately, we took the scenic route home, & decided to stop of at Tintern Abbey. The children had slept in the car, and as there was a car boot sale going on in the field next door to the abbey, we cheered them up by buying some toys that we really don't need. Happier children played in the Abbey, and the day was saved!
Unfortunately it meant that LM Dark had slept for half the day, and she doesn't usually have much of a day time nap at all, so when we got home the older two went off to sleep happily, but LM Dark was wide awake and ready to play. All evening. So no rest for mummy until 10pm!
Today was spent doing the same in different places, but this time the castle was Caerphilly which was stunning - definitely somewhere to go back to, and the group was The Companye of Chivalry, who we liked enough to join. So it'll be busy busy next summer.
Tomorrow I have to go to work down in Torbay, so I thought we might as well make a day of it and visit Paignton Zoo. Mr A & the kids went there last time I was working down that way & said it was great, so I'm quite looking forward to it. Although I'm sure that to pre-school children a domestic cat is just as exciting as a lion and a duck just as fascinating as a flamingo. exotic animals are only exotic if you understand how big the world is, so I'm probably wasting my money. Oh well at least the petrol is paid for by work:-)
Spent yesterday off sight-seeing in South Wales. We went off en masse to see Goodrich Castle, which was hosting a re-enactment group we'd vaguely thought about joining (we re-enact mediaeval life, but are between groups having taken a year off due to LM Dark & having "creative differences" with our previous groups leaders). It was a bit of a disaster as Mr & Mstr A were both suffering from sleep deprivation & too much time together - an explosive mix! Arguaments, screams, tantrums & threats abounded on both sides. The group were not what we were looking for, and there was no food to be bought - which added to strppiness of Mr & Mstr A, and started affecting us girlies too. we gave up at 1pm & headed home.
Fortunately, we took the scenic route home, & decided to stop of at Tintern Abbey. The children had slept in the car, and as there was a car boot sale going on in the field next door to the abbey, we cheered them up by buying some toys that we really don't need. Happier children played in the Abbey, and the day was saved!
Unfortunately it meant that LM Dark had slept for half the day, and she doesn't usually have much of a day time nap at all, so when we got home the older two went off to sleep happily, but LM Dark was wide awake and ready to play. All evening. So no rest for mummy until 10pm!
Today was spent doing the same in different places, but this time the castle was Caerphilly which was stunning - definitely somewhere to go back to, and the group was The Companye of Chivalry, who we liked enough to join. So it'll be busy busy next summer.
Tomorrow I have to go to work down in Torbay, so I thought we might as well make a day of it and visit Paignton Zoo. Mr A & the kids went there last time I was working down that way & said it was great, so I'm quite looking forward to it. Although I'm sure that to pre-school children a domestic cat is just as exciting as a lion and a duck just as fascinating as a flamingo. exotic animals are only exotic if you understand how big the world is, so I'm probably wasting my money. Oh well at least the petrol is paid for by work:-)
At Monday, August 29, 2005 8:16:00 pm,
Aginoth said…
Don't put petrol in the car, it runs on diesel dear :o)
coincidently my word authentication was easyzoo...spooky
At Monday, August 29, 2005 8:27:00 pm,
Juggling Mother said…
Actually my work specifically says that they will pay "petrol" costs, not diesel, so there!
OK, I know that's discrimintory, but a) they are complete idiots, and b) they've always happily paid my diesel costs too, so who cares?
At Monday, August 29, 2005 9:05:00 pm,
craziequeen said…
oh, the children do dress up - they look lovely in little linen shifts and caps :-) - mind you, so does Mrs A!
Haven't been to Paignton Zoo in a lifetime - let us know what it's like.
I still like Newquay Zoo - tiny, nice animals, friendly keepers.....
At Monday, August 29, 2005 9:06:00 pm,
Aginoth said…
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At Monday, August 29, 2005 9:11:00 pm,
Aginoth said…
I'll send you a piccie Mary
At Monday, August 29, 2005 9:15:00 pm,
Juggling Mother said…
The kiddies do dress up. I'm hoping Mstr A will get to be a page boy/squire in this new group as they have real knights (Plate mail costs a lot of money, so not all groups do it). LM Aginoth's wear mini versions of my dress, which is dead cute.
Master A excels in explaining mediaevel life to all visitors, and goes into great detail as to how grain is ground into flour, why we sleep on furs and the many mod-cons that hadn'e been invented in the olden days! Very educational & fun too.
At Monday, August 29, 2005 9:19:00 pm,
craziequeen said…
Is he too old to demand to pee on the wall now? :-)
[wonderful mental picture of A Jnr explaining 14C toilets :-)]
At Tuesday, August 30, 2005 7:03:00 am,
Juggling Mother said…
Mstr A was quite funny with his toilet training, as he refused to go anywhere other than in a porcelain toilet. We spent a whole sumnmer trying to convince him that peeing on a tree was OK when we were out (certainly better than wettting himself). The problem was that the following year he demanded to pee on trees at every event, irrelevent of the fact that some events have very nice toilets available!
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