Narnia review
So, we've been off to see Narnia today for RCA's birthday. A big family outing, along with RCA, CrazieQueen, CyberKitten, SleepyPete, and a bunch of non blogging friends.
we started with lunch in a Mexican resturant. It was so-so really. i had sizzling fahita's, but that meant 3 strips of beef and 6 whole onions sliced up! The kids woosed out & had fish-singers & chips! Aggie had chilli, which he reckoned was good, but on the whole I would rather have gone next door to the Italian place:-)
Then en mass to see Narnia - we got there with only five minutes to spare, so there were not many spaces left (it was a saturday afternoon, on the opening weekend), so we were stuck too near the front, & right over on one side, but at least we got to sit together.
i was hoping LMD would sleep through it (she didn't sleep last night after all), bjut no such luck - she thought it was a great adventure - well she did as soon as she couldn't see CQ anymore - she totally associates CQ's arrival with my imminent departure & cries as soon as she spots her!
Anyway, LMD spent a good hour crawling up & down the aisle. LMB chattered her way through the film, first at Aggie & me, then at CQ. "nice lion, nasty lady, oh dear, fixed now, funny, etc, etc" Mstr A was absolutely transfixed, although confused by some of the plotlines. he had real difficulty understanding that the queen & the witch were the same person:-)
The film was great though. The special effects were fantastic - i loved the centaurs, and Tumnus even looked as though he was walking on goats legs even when you couldn't see them! Most of the story line was kept exact to the book. a couple of niggles: It was really hard to empahise with Edmund, who just appeared a nasty child for 3/4 of the film. This was partly because there was no mention of the queens magical ability - she had the wand that turned people to stone, but nothing else. In the book, she is a personification of the winter, or maybe an avatar of treachery/brutality. She has magic of her own. In the film, she semed reliant on the wand, potions & fear.
But the acting, scenery, effects & script were great. I'll be going back for another look without th kids! And I'm looking forward to the next ones. Off to re-red the other books now, as I don't know them so well.
CQ's review is here
we started with lunch in a Mexican resturant. It was so-so really. i had sizzling fahita's, but that meant 3 strips of beef and 6 whole onions sliced up! The kids woosed out & had fish-singers & chips! Aggie had chilli, which he reckoned was good, but on the whole I would rather have gone next door to the Italian place:-)
Then en mass to see Narnia - we got there with only five minutes to spare, so there were not many spaces left (it was a saturday afternoon, on the opening weekend), so we were stuck too near the front, & right over on one side, but at least we got to sit together.
i was hoping LMD would sleep through it (she didn't sleep last night after all), bjut no such luck - she thought it was a great adventure - well she did as soon as she couldn't see CQ anymore - she totally associates CQ's arrival with my imminent departure & cries as soon as she spots her!
Anyway, LMD spent a good hour crawling up & down the aisle. LMB chattered her way through the film, first at Aggie & me, then at CQ. "nice lion, nasty lady, oh dear, fixed now, funny, etc, etc" Mstr A was absolutely transfixed, although confused by some of the plotlines. he had real difficulty understanding that the queen & the witch were the same person:-)
The film was great though. The special effects were fantastic - i loved the centaurs, and Tumnus even looked as though he was walking on goats legs even when you couldn't see them! Most of the story line was kept exact to the book. a couple of niggles: It was really hard to empahise with Edmund, who just appeared a nasty child for 3/4 of the film. This was partly because there was no mention of the queens magical ability - she had the wand that turned people to stone, but nothing else. In the book, she is a personification of the winter, or maybe an avatar of treachery/brutality. She has magic of her own. In the film, she semed reliant on the wand, potions & fear.
But the acting, scenery, effects & script were great. I'll be going back for another look without th kids! And I'm looking forward to the next ones. Off to re-red the other books now, as I don't know them so well.
CQ's review is here
At Saturday, December 10, 2005 8:56:00 pm,
utenzi said…
We meet yet again, Mrs A, and within the same hour! Michele is such a matchmaker!
LOL I really didn't mean to visit again so soon. We just keep posting at the same time.
I've only heard good things about the Narnia movie. I'm very curious but haven't gone to see it yet. I'm glad you and your family and friends liked it and hope that I do as well.
At Saturday, December 10, 2005 9:40:00 pm,
Dak-Ind said…
my favorite bit was actually the pheonix (for the effects) how cool was it, shooting a flaming arrow that turned into a pheonix and burned up the battel field!
At Saturday, December 10, 2005 9:41:00 pm,
Dak-Ind said…
ack forgot to mention... michele sent me!!
At Saturday, December 10, 2005 9:42:00 pm,
craziequeen said…
Ah, but Edmund *was* a nasty child. The third child of four, he was bitter and nasty to Lucy for most of the book. I never liked Edmund.
I'm gonna have to post a more wordy review.... :-)
At Saturday, December 10, 2005 9:46:00 pm,
Aginoth said…
Ummm wasn't Edmund ensorceled by the witch using bewitched turkish delight in the book to do her bidding, the turkish delight he ate utterly was addictive because of the magic placed upon it, and that his why he betrayed the others.
At Saturday, December 10, 2005 9:46:00 pm,
CyberKitten said…
Had just a few niggles. Thought it handled the story very well - not having read the book(s) [yet] I couldn't comment on the adaptation. Thought the kids were mostly very good - my usual problem with this sort of thing. Surprised and pleased at the lack of overt Christian imagery (after all the hype about it). Thought it was a little.. twee & mysoginist in places.. but it was a product of its age so I let such things not bother me. On the whole I was rather impressed..
At Saturday, December 10, 2005 9:53:00 pm,
Juggling Mother said…
It certainly doesn't question the gender roles at any point does it?
I think the most concerning concept is that ugly = bad & beautiful = good. In the book ONLY the queen is beautiful on the baddie side - all of her army is made up of mishapen beasts & humanoids (giants, cyclops, minotaurs), plus the wolves & some bears.
the Christian imagery was as obvious inj the film as it was in the book. If you look at it that way, its there, but if you just watch a fantasy film, its a fairly standard good vs evil story.
Dak-ind I also loved the phoenix for SFX, although I had mstr A telling me it was really a pokemon called (i cant remember), demonstrating the (something)attack! Also, I'm not sure you can ignite a phoenix in mythology - they die in flames - & I'm a bit of a pedant on these things:-)
At Saturday, December 10, 2005 9:58:00 pm,
Debra@Peaceabull said…
I'd much rather eat Italian than Mexican, too. Hello. Michele sent me.
At Saturday, December 10, 2005 10:19:00 pm,
CyberKitten said…
Mrs A said: I think the most concerning concept is that ugly = bad & beautiful = good.
Its fairly common. Not sure its purely Christian though - they stole SO much else from other peoples mythology maybe they stole that too. Wasn't Lucifer supposed to be beautiful? I LIKED the Minatours - they were always one of my fave mythological animals.
One thing that always 'gets' me though. The baddie minions are always so baddly treated by the head baddie... It's a wonder that they stay around....
Mrs A also said: but if you just watch a fantasy film, its a fairly standard good vs evil story.
Must've been what I was doing. The resurrection of Aslan certainly could be seen as Christian but pre-Christian religions often had gods/godlings doing that. Hard to keep a good (or bad) god down for long.
Oh, I think the pheonix was a symbolic/magical one - rather than a 'real' one.........
At Saturday, December 10, 2005 11:55:00 pm,
Sadie Lou said…
I've read the books several times--I'm quite excited to see the movie.
Couple of corrections--if you don't mind:
cyberkitten, it's not debatable if this story reflects Christian imagry/symbolism or not--C.S.Lewis, the author of the Chronicles of Narnia is a full fledged born again Christian. He turned to atheism after he witnessed some horrible injustices during his service in the army. After the war was over--he battled his conflicts over Christianity and atheism. It was his good friend J.R.R.Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings) than lead him back to discovering his first love--Christ.
You should read his biography, wonderful story and a brilliant man.
Lewis makes no bones about Aslan being a picture of Christ. Aslan's sacrifice for Edmund's life and his torture at the hands of the White Witch are perfect examples.
Edmund was mean, spiteful, jealous towards Lucy before he ever ate Turkish Delight. He also lied about ever having witnessed the secret kingdom Lucy discovered, just to make her look crazy to the older siblings. The witch does have a bewitching power over Edmund with her temptations of power over his siblings...
The White Witch is far less powerful than Aslan. The moment he arrives in Narnia--her powers diminish greatly. She would have never been able to capture and control Aslan if it wasn't for his allowing it to happen. Both Aslan and the White Witch submit to "Deep Magic" or "Old Magic" which is symbolic of God.
At Sunday, December 11, 2005 5:38:00 am,
Jessica said…
I too loved the movie. I read the whole series when I was a kid and was afraid I'd not enjoy the movie. The only thing I didn't quite like was how Aslan was portrayed. I had imagined him different. It was a great movie.
At Sunday, December 11, 2005 8:32:00 am,
OldLady Of The Hills said…
It sounds like a fabulous film and I am anxious to see it...These books were not part of my childhood...but I have such strong feelings about C.S. Lewis that I really want to read them all, now!
FYI: The post about which one of those four things was a lie, is up!
Now I can rest for 3 minutes! (lol)
Just heard about the explosion over there and hope it wasn't anywhere near all the UK bloggers I have come to know and love, like yourselves, Mrs. A....I thought of all of you right away.
Came on my own cause I was concerned about that explosion.
At Sunday, December 11, 2005 10:07:00 am,
CyberKitten said…
Sadie Lou said: cyberkitten, it's not debatable if this story reflects Christian imagry/symbolism or not--C.S.Lewis, the author of the Chronicles of Narnia is a full fledged born again Christian.
Yes, I know a little about Lewis. However, I certainly didn't go through the movie spotting the references to Christianity (after hearing SO much about it in the Press). Either they were toned down - as I was told after we left the cinema - or I was enjoying the movie too much to notice. Maybe I'll pick up more of the references when I read the book(s).
At Sunday, December 11, 2005 5:05:00 pm,
Jeff said…
I love mexican food so much.... thanks for visiting my blog... I wish that speeding tickets are a standard cost that way you would know how much it will be to speed no matter where you are
At Sunday, December 11, 2005 5:37:00 pm,
Cool Dad said…
I am looking forward to watching this one with my kids. Should be a fun afternoon wrestling them, but they should still get to go, right? Anyway, here from Michele's and glad for the visit.
At Sunday, December 11, 2005 5:52:00 pm,
kenju said…
Mrs. A. Michele sent me.
I saw the movie Fri. night and loved it. I read the book years ago, and I think I will re-read the whole series now, so that I will be ready for the next films.
At Sunday, December 11, 2005 5:53:00 pm,
Sandy said…
With every blogged review of this film, I find myself wishing I could get it to.
Hmm, maybe I'll drag along my Dad.
Popping in via Michele's.
At Sunday, December 11, 2005 8:12:00 pm,
WendyWings said…
I just came by to say glad you enjoyed the movie and gave it a thumbs up review.
Michele didn't send me LOL
( the second movie is not signed on the dotted line YET but will be cough just saying lol)
At Sunday, December 11, 2005 9:17:00 pm,
CyberKitten said…
Interesting comment from the Guardian. Maybe this is why I missed most of the Christian stuff:
Most British children will be utterly clueless about any message beyond the age-old mythic battle between good and evil. Most of the fairy story works as well as any Norse saga, pagan legend or modern fantasy, so only the minority who are familiar with Christian iconography will see Jesus in the lion. After all, 43% of people in Britain in a recent poll couldn't say what Easter celebrated.
At Monday, December 12, 2005 3:58:00 am,
Kyahgirl said…
I loved that whole series. I have them waiting in the cupboard until my kids are old enough for me to read them to them :-)
At Monday, December 12, 2005 6:42:00 am,
Juggling Mother said…
CK - great quote. As a child I read the book avidly & failed to see any christian references, but they were pretty obvious when I re-read it as an adult. I am sure most children will read it as a fantasy story & nothing else.
but, 43% couldn't say what Easter celebrated? I'm not sure if that's funny or worrying! I think worrying though - unless they all came up with explanations that didn't involve Jesus, who appropriated the festiviies anyway:-)
At Monday, December 12, 2005 12:10:00 pm,
CyberKitten said…
Actually I thought that 43% was a bit low.... (snigger)
The rest of the article I copied the quote from was quite over the top in its criticism of the movie & of CS Lewis. Personally I couldn't see what all the fuss was about.
At Monday, December 12, 2005 3:56:00 pm,
mommyguilt said…
I saw this in a cartoon form on television when I was a child...I have NOT a clue as to how old I might have been, just a child. I don't remember any Christian references, but, of course, I wouldn't have been even aware of symbollism and allusion, etc. when I was a child.
I think that perhaps the press has over emphasized the Christian references in the movie in an attempt to stir up controversy. Have they not learned yet that controversey = $$$$$$$$$$$? I mean look at Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ" and all of the hub bub about that? Ended up grossing scads and scads of money.
I'd LOVE to see the film again. Actually kind of anxious, but I haven't yet seen Potter (and since the press has pitted Potter against Narnia, I'd like to see both), I think I'd best see that one first.
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