The musings of a juggling mother

Rants & raves about life as a woman today, juggling work, home, kids, family, life the universe & everything.

© Mrs Aginoth. The right of Mrs Aginoth to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents act 1988

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The story of her life?

It was LMB's nativity play today. Considering all the children are between 3 and 4 years old, it went rather well - sadly a number of them were unable to make it (I expect they were off sick) so the roles were all switched around. Therefore instead of being the expected Inn Keeper, LMB strolled in as the back end of a donkey! I do hope that does not turn out to be the story of her life!

I don't think she's a budding RADA candidate somehow - she looked terribly worried when she first came in, and had to be man-handled to her position by the staff:-) But once she saw me she gave a glittering smile, which she quickly worked out achieved lots of "ahhh's" from the audience and so treated each and every member of it to the same! But she also spent the whole play clutching teddy, and only sang about half the songs before deciding she'd had enough and sitting down (making the donkey look very wonky!). Still, she is one of the youngest there - and I thought she was the best!

Mstr A had a good day today - he went over to Grandad's (Aggie's dad) to drop off/collect presents with Aggie and was so well behaved we took him out to lunch at the local italian. He even managed to behave like a normal civilised person while we were there, and remained sat in his seat for the whole meal! It was a pleasure looking after him today - here's hoping for many more like it.

Aggie is off work because his arthritus has crippled his hands:-( He is currently unable to use them at all, which makes him pretty useless really! Fortunately my cold only lasted a couple of days and I'm back to normal at last. The cough finally cleared up last week - pretty much the moment I handed in my notice, which makes me wonder how much of it was stress related - although I'm still a little wheezy when I get tired it's not a real problem any more thankfully.


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