Thirteen Things that annoyed me yesterday Yesterday was not a good day for me. Everything pissed me off! Here's just some of the little annoyances..... - Aggie was home all of Monday & Tuesday. I asked him to do two DIY jobs around the house: Seal the bathroom floor (maybe 30 min s work), and complete the half done shutter for Mstr A's room (anything up to an hours work). Did he do either of them? Did he ****. He didn't even pretend to start them. Every time I walked into the bathroom (and with LMB being potty trained ATM, that's alot of times!) it pissed me off!
- The kids incessant chatter. JUST SHUT UP for 5 minutes.
- The pedestrian crossing over the three lane main road on the way to playgroup. The green man stays green for 3 seconds. I counted them. THREE! It used to be five seconds, which wasn't long enough, but now the summer season is here, with all those young and old holiday makers wandering around the town, they've changed it to three. How am I supposed to teach my kids to cross the road safely?
- Washing up. Why is it NEVER done? I mean, i have a dishwasher and everything! Yet asquickly as I clear things away, there is more washing up to do, lying around the kitchen looking messy.
- Cooking. Once upon a time, I quite liked cooking. When I did it occasionally, for me. Now I make three meals and two/three snacks every day, most of which i don't eat, and it's just a continual chore. The minute I finish one meal & serve it up, it's time to start the next. And it all has to be on time. Yesterday, i wanted to just say no, but sadly the kids cried:-(
- LMB's whinging. She whinges all the time. It's her only tone of voice ATM. She can whinge that she's really happy and loves playing with her toys!
- The weather. It was really muggy yesterday, without actually being warm or sunny at any point.
- Until bedtime, when the sun promptly came out and shone through every window in the house, making it impossible for anyone to sleep!
- I felt like crap all day - just generally under the weather & tired & miserable, so went to bed at 7pm (although I didn't sleep very well cos of the sun & stuff).
- I came down to see Aggie at about 9.30, just to make sure he was ok & to watch a bit of TV before trying to go to bed properly, to discover that he had spent the WHOLE evening playing with his new phone, so i had to clear away all the supper things, tidy up the dining room & kitchen, pick up all the kids dirty clothes off the front room floor & put them in the washing basket........
- Despite all the thumping and banging and stomping around that this involved, he remained completely oblivious of the fact that I was doing all this while feeling crap!
- And I twisted my back while doing all the thumping & stomping & now that hurts too:-(
- There wasn't even anything on the telly to watch anyway!
. Links to other Thursday Thirteens!1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:58:00 am,
Anonymous said…
Oh good golly! Days that make you want to bury your head in a pillow and scream... Aaauuuggghhh! I soooo understand and completely sympathize.
Sorry to hear about your back, I hope it gets to feeling better soon.
And may today be a day with good telly and quiet kids. Hey, one can dream. [smile]
P.S. My "word verification" was womrggf. It has a nice disgruntled ring to it, don't you think? I like it better than "Augh".
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:17:00 am,
It really pisses me too when I have things want done and they aren't. But sometimes we can't have all what we want.
Thanks for visiting.
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:31:00 am,
Samantha said…
ahhh...sometimes I think ALL husbands need to be locked in a room together somewhere. Do you think that they'd get annoyed with each other???? I hope your back feels better...and your day gets brighter :) Thanx for visiting my TT...I've been wondering if anyone would venture over there lol I'm still new at all this!
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 12:08:00 pm,
EJ said…
Hmm...time to talk about it to your husband? I feel a little sorry for you...I hope I won't be like that in the future... O.o
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 2:47:00 pm,
Canada said…
Hey, thanks for visiting me!
I hope you feel better today. And as for your TT, it drives me insane when the sun decides to shine - right at bedtime! And for me it's the laundry that never, ever, EVER ends!
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 3:47:00 pm,
Jackie said…
Hope you have a better day. Make the kids go naked in honor of summer and you'll have less laundry to do ;)
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:34:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
ah i understand completely/// pms time for me!
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 6:03:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
I dont like cooking either, but it is better than starving. My son is a master at sound effects and insists on making them when I have a migraine...I threatened to use ducttape yesterday...
my list is up
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 6:40:00 pm,
fivetimemom said…
Oh my gosh! You just described me and my pissed off feeling to a tee... Thanks for bieng brave enough to say them. I always try to pretend I'm not pissed....
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 6:56:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hope you're feeling better today! I've given up on getting angry... I just do what I can and ignore the rest...
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:47:00 pm,
Crystie said…
aww, I really hope that today has been better and that tomorrow will even top today! Thanks so much for stopping by my TT.
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:14:00 pm,
JR said…
Wow! All that would piss me off too. Come to think of it, it has, I've had a number of days like that. Sounds like a good swift kick in the seat of the pants wouldn't go amiss on the other "adult" in the house.
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 10:03:00 pm,
Kendra said…
I wish mine would stop talking too. For like 2 seconds. And the whinning is so annoying also!
At Thursday, June 29, 2006 10:22:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
I feel you on number 5. I loved to cook too once upon time. Seems I'm burned out on it now though.
At Wednesday, July 12, 2006 5:52:00 am,
ana nicole june said…
Wives of oblivious husbands unite!
Thanks--I really needed to know I am not alone in this cluttered, demanding universe. :)
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