The musings of a juggling mother

Rants & raves about life as a woman today, juggling work, home, kids, family, life the universe & everything.

© Mrs Aginoth. The right of Mrs Aginoth to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents act 1988

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

At the risk of becoming a political blog...

It's good to see we haven't lost all sense in our fear of insulting muslims, with the conviction of Abu Hamza for incitment to murder & racial hatred.

I only heard one of his "sermons" and it was undoubtedly the most revolting thing I have ever come across. And that includes the Nazi propeganda that was a constant theme of my childhood.

Now lets see what the fall out is....

UPDATE: The fall out so far seems to be moderate muslims rushing to every media outlet they can find to say how abhorrant they found Abu Hamza to be, that he doesn't represent British muslims, or most muslims around the world, and that they welcome peaceful debate & respect cultural differences.

That can only be good.

UPDATE 2: And that the CPS & police should have prosecuted him long before they did.


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