Happy days
The weekend went wonderfully - the sun shone the whole time, the kids (mostly) behaved themselves and we even sold some soap:-) Mstr A spent most of his time off playing with another lad, so was hardly any trouble. The girls ran around all day long playing with stones, rag balls & any members of the public silly enough to smile at them, and LMB managed to stay out of her nappy for the whole time - even finally pooing in the toilet! I got to try out my new job of storyteller for the group, and it went ok. i forgot a couple of bits (Mstr A lost my print-out while we were unpacking the tent, so I couldn't revise, and medieval storytellers couldn't read, so no notes allowed), but ad-libbed well enough that nobody noticed:-) I have to learn some more stuff for next time now.
Mstr A also had a really good day at school today - much to my surprise as he was tired from the weekend. I didn't realise how stressed I was getting each day at 3pm as i wait to hear how awful he's been, until today when I just felt so joyful that there'd been no problems. So we took him swimming as a reward, and his swimming is really coming on. Actually he could probably swim a couple of metres, and only needs a finger's support as reassurance.
I got his report from the Paediatrition today too. It basically just wrote up what happened while we were there, but finished up with the comment that he's weird, and needs further investigation by a group of specialists, so it looks like things are really moving along there too.
The only down side is that aggie dosn't think he did very well at his job interview today:-( And I just got a letter saying I have not got into Uni next year:-( We're crap, but our kids are doing well;-)
Mstr A also had a really good day at school today - much to my surprise as he was tired from the weekend. I didn't realise how stressed I was getting each day at 3pm as i wait to hear how awful he's been, until today when I just felt so joyful that there'd been no problems. So we took him swimming as a reward, and his swimming is really coming on. Actually he could probably swim a couple of metres, and only needs a finger's support as reassurance.
I got his report from the Paediatrition today too. It basically just wrote up what happened while we were there, but finished up with the comment that he's weird, and needs further investigation by a group of specialists, so it looks like things are really moving along there too.
The only down side is that aggie dosn't think he did very well at his job interview today:-( And I just got a letter saying I have not got into Uni next year:-( We're crap, but our kids are doing well;-)
At Tuesday, June 06, 2006 6:20:00 pm,
Unknown said…
You're not crap! Just temporarily disadvantaged by other aspects of your life :-)
Have faith - and winning lottery tickets :-)
At Tuesday, June 06, 2006 8:22:00 pm,
JR said…
"Some days you're the windshield, some days, you're the bug." Things will turn around in time.
What kind of soap do you make?
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