It's summer!
The sun is shining, the tempreture is way up at "warm", the birds are singing & the children are playing (nearly) naked in the garden. It's summer time! I know that it's a bit early, but this is the second warm day in a row, and that's pretty unusual here, so i'm taking any summer i can get:-)
Today i have taken Mstr A to school, taken the car to have new brakes:-(, Painted the shed (it was supposed to be done last year, but.....), Fixed up the garden swing seat, weeded the play area, tried to cut the grass (it's too long for the mower - oops, and the strimmer has run out of wire), cleaned the kitchen (Nanny A did it yesterday, so there wasn't too much - but still, I did do it), made the supper (shepherds pie, yum), run the dishwasher twice, washed & dried two sets of clothes, written a list of the things I want to buy in Argos when we get the car back this evening (I know, but it is cheap!), checked all my fave blogs and played with the girls in the garden.
I love summer:-)
Today i have taken Mstr A to school, taken the car to have new brakes:-(, Painted the shed (it was supposed to be done last year, but.....), Fixed up the garden swing seat, weeded the play area, tried to cut the grass (it's too long for the mower - oops, and the strimmer has run out of wire), cleaned the kitchen (Nanny A did it yesterday, so there wasn't too much - but still, I did do it), made the supper (shepherds pie, yum), run the dishwasher twice, washed & dried two sets of clothes, written a list of the things I want to buy in Argos when we get the car back this evening (I know, but it is cheap!), checked all my fave blogs and played with the girls in the garden.
I love summer:-)
At Friday, May 05, 2006 2:43:00 pm,
Paste said…
I hope that we wos checked!
Here from Michele's this time.
At Friday, May 05, 2006 2:46:00 pm,
Prego said…
Yeah. I make my wife do all that crap too.
Nice to see you. Here via Michele.
At Friday, May 05, 2006 2:49:00 pm,
Paste said…
Oooohhh! I trust Prego was joking or off Mrs A's list of blog mates he will go!
Me too from Michele's this afternoon.
At Friday, May 05, 2006 3:01:00 pm,
Juggling Mother said…
yeah, I'm sure painting the shed is high on Prego's wifes list of jobs:-)
At Friday, May 05, 2006 3:23:00 pm,
utenzi said…
hey, Mrs Aginoth! I'm slowly arriving from Michele's--my boss called and held me up. :-(
It sounds like you have a very busy day, Mrs A.
At Friday, May 05, 2006 8:13:00 pm,
Unknown said…
I love summer too. I love listening to the cat screaming to go in, go out, go in, go out, go in, go out. I love listening to my neighbors fighting thru their open windows. I love the whine of the lawn mower at 8 am on Sunday morning.
Oh wait... maybe I love winter. Nope, it's summer!
Here via Michele
At Friday, May 05, 2006 8:32:00 pm,
shpprgrl said…
My are quite the busy-bee! Hop across the pond and get busy at my place! Here from Michele's because I didn't want you to be skipped...Have a great weekend Mrs. A ;)
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